VP HybridCAD
VP HybridCAD 是一套點陣 / 向量混合編修軟體,它可以提供自動、手動點陣格式去除雜點、填補漏白及偏斜校正及點陣 / 向量完整 CAD 繪製功能,還具備彩色 / 黑白扭曲校正及點陣格式自動轉換為向量格式的能力。
自從 1990 年問世以來,VP HybridCAD 的運算就一直持續增長。新演算法及編程技術又賦予了產品卓越的品質、顯著的特性、獨特的功能、快速的轉換速度及賞心悅目的使用者操作介面。我們的技術是保障您擁有掃描、儲存、向量化、向量編輯或轉換在 CAD/CAM、AEC、FM 或 EDM 中所有應用的頂級專業產品的強大後盾。
VP HybridCAD Makes Paper Content Smart
With stunning tools and functions VP HybridCAD software not only improves the quality of your scans, but it also provides a direct and intelligent access to control the content of your scanned drawings. To suit your needs best, the VP HybridCAD group of products offers five different and specialized solutions. You can choose from the entry level VPraster edit up to the all-inclusive hybrid and conversion suite VP studio. Your requirements will determine the choice:
- You mainly want to process black&white drawings – or colored documents, too?
- You are looking for accurate tools designed for quick revisions or corrections on scan drawings which are truly easy to use?
- You need to delete certain details, then conveniently modify or replace elements, dimensions, or text?
- You are planning to use reliable and fast conversion of your drawings into CAD format?
- You wish to store your CAD drawings in TIF or PDF files – with no loss of information?
VP HybridCAD always provides a professional and efficient solution for these needs and many more.
VP HybridCAD’s stunning “hybrid” technology allows you to carry out changes or subsequent design work in drawing scans directly and accurately. With a mouse click even geometric details such as lines, circles, arcs, and text become instantly available with CAD-like precision.
In a unique manner VP HybridCAD software combines advanced functionality of two different user worlds: CAD and image processing, vector and raster. Operations formerly to be applied only by using various single software programs have been integrated seamlessly in VP HybridCAD. This superior technology offers new application possibilities that allow you to save effort and time. Take full advantage of the information contained in your scanned drawings and other similar documents. Whether you work in “hybrid” mode to directly edit, change and enhance geometric details, or by converting entire documents using powerful automatic vectorization. Plus, you can use VP HybridCAD in network or in single mode, inside AutoCAD or “stand-alone”.
Expanding AutoCAD with RasterDWG
VP HybridCAD products provide a seamlessly integrated operation with AutoCAD. AutoCAD users can utilize familiar commands to access both raster and vector data simultaneously, thus overcoming previous slower methods. The entirely compatible RasterDWG format expands AutoCAD’s standard DWG to a universal hybrid data format.
The raster data is combined with the AutoCAD vector data and saved to a single DWG hybrid file. This helpful option eliminates broken image file links often associated with AutoCAD drawings and belonging image data. RasterDWG guarantees safe sharing of hybrid drawings internally, among collaboration partners, in a network environment, or across the Internet.
Product Finder
According to individual application needs VPHybridCAD comprises five different products to choose from.